Sunday, March 15, 2009


I came home from choir practice this evening and Isaac was in bed. I opened the door to his room and said good night. He rolled over and said, "Dad, guess what I want to be when I get big? I want to be the boss at Walmart.


Then he told me why. He wanted to make up a bunch of boxes that had Legos and Yogurt.

I wonder if he was still asleep.

He was also very teary-eyed this afternoon. He didn't want to grow up and leave his mommy, room and toys. Lori told him he could stay as long as he wanted. I suppose it's a little to early to push the 6 year old out of the nest, no?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Not in front of my friends

A couple of weeks ago, Lori was taking Isaac and all his friends to school. She began to ask him a question by calling out to him, "Bubby...." Isaac, who was very concerned about what his friends might think, responded, "Mom, why would you call me Bubby?" Lori said, "I'm sorry, ISAAC, ...."